Connect With Us

We welcome the opportunity to strengthen our connection with our congregation and our community.

Sunday Gatherings

We meet together every Sunday, both morning and evening, to hear from the Bible, pray for our community and mission, and encourage each other in worship and song. Anyone is welcome to join us at either or both services.

Introducing God

Courses and more

From time to time we will be running introductory and topical courses for those who are curious about the Christian faith. If you’d like to learn more about Jesus and why we love Him so much these courses are an awesome introduction. You’re very welcome to come along. Let us know and we’ll be in touch.

Like to Know More

Over lunch time (11am – 1pm) on Wednesdays, we open our church to newcomers, or to those who are just curious, to help people get plugged into our community.

Come along! No pressure or commitment, just a ‘cuppa’ and a chat.

It will be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to learn a little more about our church and what we get up to. Let us know if you are keen and we’ll be in touch.


It’s so uplifting to serve in church. God has wired you in a unique way and we’d love to serve Jesus and His people with you. If you are a Christian and wish to serve, why don’t you let us know and contact us.


Scots Kirk is a small church undergoing revitalisation. We regard children, families and young people as very important. We have a small Sunday school and when children are present the minister always gives a children’s talk. We are looking to attract lots more children and families…. but in order to do that we need to get some.

You could be one of the pioneers!

There have recently been a number of headlines about the problems we face in our area – cumulating with the headline ‘the Battle for Beaumont St’.   

As a church we support every effort to improve our community – but we believe that there are deeper issues.  We need a total renewal: physical, social and spiritual. The Church is not watching from the sidelines – we are on the front line in the battle for Beaumont St.  Over the next few Sundays we will be looking at what that means………..