We've got good news

About us

For more than 100 years, Scots Kirk at Hamilton (formerly known as Hamilton Presbyterian church) has served our community, providing spiritual guidance through the word of God to thousands of seekers.

Visit our church

We have a number of different ways for you to engage with us, including traditional and less-traditional services. 

New Years Resolution

Become a part of our community

Church is more than a building in which to praise God.

Church is a community of people who come together to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to feel a sense of belonging, love and support, and to gain understanding.

You can become a part of community in lots of ways, and we offer a variety of worship services, as well as training, education and community outreach.

We exist as a church to help Christians grow, so that we may glorify God an enjoy Him forever

More information

Our resources page holds a host of information about our church, our mission and anything that you might need to know if you’re thinking of joining our wonderful community.

We have recordings of our recent sermons, general information about our purpose, links to some great external resources and guidance for those seeking training or eductation on our faith.

There have recently been a number of headlines about the problems we face in our area – cumulating with the headline ‘the Battle for Beaumont St’.   

As a church we support every effort to improve our community – but we believe that there are deeper issues.  We need a total renewal: physical, social and spiritual. The Church is not watching from the sidelines – we are on the front line in the battle for Beaumont St.  Over the next few Sundays we will be looking at what that means………..