Visit Us

Come and discover the good news for yourself.


We are a Bible-believing church community that loves Jesus. We meet together every Sunday in the heart of Newcastle and we’d love for you to come along and stick around after the service for a cuppa.

8:30 am Prayer

A few of us gather each Sunday morning before the worship service to pray and worship God together.

9:30 am Morning Service

A fairly traditional but relaxed service. We desire to create an openness to God’s presence through warm, authentic, relevant, connecting and life-changing worship experiences.

5:00 pm “Alive at 5”

A blended contemporary service with traditional elements -open for all- and especially for those who want to find out more about the Christian faith and have questions. Also, for those who are hurting, confused, backslidden, doubting etc. And for Christians who want a different approach and an opportunity to serve.

Praise, preaching, prayer, Q & A and “child friendly” as well.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, or want to find out more about our church, community or any of our other offerings, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

There have recently been a number of headlines about the problems we face in our area – cumulating with the headline ‘the Battle for Beaumont St’.   

As a church we support every effort to improve our community – but we believe that there are deeper issues.  We need a total renewal: physical, social and spiritual. The Church is not watching from the sidelines – we are on the front line in the battle for Beaumont St.  Over the next few Sundays we will be looking at what that means………..