
Resources to help you find what you seek.

Society and Culture

The church is not a political organisation. And yet what we do and believe affects society and therefore the politics of that society. Scots Kirk does not take a party-political position, nor do we endorse political candidates. We pray for all our political leaders. We also aim to have a ‘prophetic’ ministry – which means speaking the Word of God, without fear nor favour, into the culture – including politics.

In this section of the website, we will post articles and videos which deal with more general issues from a biblical perspective. Christians have different views on different political issues, and we hope to promote and develop diverse discussion.

We will recommend various resources to help people think through the main issues. If you have any questions or suggestions, then e-mail David at [email protected].

David produces a weekly podcast, Quantum of the Wee Flea, which looks at culture, the arts, music, politics, science and the environment from throughout the world. You can get it on Apple iTunes – here or Podbean – here or on


Check out our recent sermons. Are you interested in a particular topic of bible reference?

Training & References

Our minister, David, is an accomplished writer and has published a number of books that have proved helpful for all, Christian and those who just want to find out more.

David has written a number of books – Awakening – the life and ministry of Robert Murray McCheyne (Paternoster 2003 and Christian Focus 2010) and The Dawkins Letters – challenging atheist myths (Christian Focus Publications 2007). Quench – Coffee Shop Evangelism (Solas 2013). Magnificent Obsession – why Jesus is Great (Christian Focus 2013). Engaging with Atheists (Good Book 2014). A.S.K, an apologetic book for teenagers (J2019), followed by SEEK (2023).

Personal Blog:

Twitter: @theweeflea

Facebook: /darobertsonstpetes

E-Mail: [email protected]

Podcast: Quantum of the Wee Flea –

Safe Ministry

The Presbyterian Church of Australia places a tremendous amount of value on providing a secure and nurturing environment for all individuals who attend and participate in our church community.

Through our collective efforts as a church family, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment where all individuals can experience the love and grace of God without any fear or harm.

For more information about our desire to provide a safe environment for all click the download link below:

There have recently been a number of headlines about the problems we face in our area – cumulating with the headline ‘the Battle for Beaumont St’.   

As a church we support every effort to improve our community – but we believe that there are deeper issues.  We need a total renewal: physical, social and spiritual. The Church is not watching from the sidelines – we are on the front line in the battle for Beaumont St.  Over the next few Sundays we will be looking at what that means………..